please tell me whence The Acrobats by Mordecai Richler txt ebay pdf direct link online

please tell me whence The Acrobats by Mordecai Richler txt ebay pdf direct link online

please tell me whence The Acrobats by Mordecai Richler txt ebay pdf direct link online

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Book description
Living in a rat-infested hotel in Franco’s post-war Spain, André Bennett, a Canadian painter, loves Toni, his girl friend, who wants him to return home. Roger Kraus, a Nazi on the run, shadows the young artist day and night. They meet on a bridge during the last night of the fiesta, and as the sky is shredded by exploding fireworks, the story draws to its violent climax. Originally published in 1954, The Acrobats marks Mordecai Richler’s stunning debut as a novelist.
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