please tell me whence The Academic Library in the American University by Stephen E. Atkins how download book tom tablet ebook

please tell me whence The Academic Library in the American University by Stephen E. Atkins how download book tom tablet ebook

please tell me whence The Academic Library in the American University by Stephen E. Atkins how download book tom tablet ebook

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Book description
It has been argued that librarians are losing influence on their campuses. Atkins responds to this assertion with a critical analysis of the role the academic library plays within the university setting and pursues how the library may meet the expectations of faculty and administration. The early chapters review the changes in higher education from 1638 to the present. The later chapters take up the major change that has influenced the role of the academic library in the last two decades: the information revolution. Atkins examines how the availability of information via electronic media and the necessity for complete information access on-site conflict with the librarys declining share of funds. He assesses the status and roles of librarians and the structure of libraries to learn how academic libraries may regain their influence. He takes advantage of this new opportunity for realism by offering trenchant observations as a starting point for returning the library to its rightful.
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