please tell me whence Talent For Trouble by Bianca D'Arc (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

please tell me whence Talent For Trouble by Bianca D'Arc (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

please tell me whence Talent For Trouble by Bianca D'Arc (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

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Book description
Jana was kidnapped and forced to do many things she cannot remember, but feels deep shame for her actions, nonetheless. Reunited with her sister and taken to the dubious safety of the seat of Council power to heal, she has no idea what’s in store for the future. She only knows she is free for the first time in years. Free to think on her own. Free to talk to her sister. Free to admire the maddening man who bothers her on every level.Raised on a planet with strict moral codes, Jana finds the permissiveness of life on a Council world shocking. Even though Darak appears to be a womanizer of the worst sort, Jana is drawn to the rogue. He is handsome, but there’s something more to him…something deeper that she cannot resist. And when he begins to teach her about the many ways of pleasure, she finds not only her body willing to give him all he desires, but also her heart.Can Darak’s healing touch break through the fragile façade Jana shows to the world? And when her help is needed to penetrate deep into enemy territory, will she aid them, or will she show her true colors? The fate of the galaxy might just be in their well as the fate of two hearts looking for their perfect match.Warnings: Jana’s hard a really rough time, including incidents of psychological and physical abuse in her past that she must overcome. They are discussed briefly in the text, but not depicted. There’s also a bit of kink happening on the good ship Circe. The crew can get up to all sorts of mischief between missions, and a bit of exhibitionism and/or voyeurism aren’t out of the question.The first book in this series is called Hidden Talent and is available now in ebook and print.
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