please tell me whence Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope by Ryder Windham (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

please tell me whence Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope by Ryder Windham (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

please tell me whence Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope by Ryder Windham (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

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Book description
I really enjoyed this book, but there were some dislikes I had. The wording was a tiny difficult at times. There were some proper nouns with weird names like Mos Eisley and Tantive IV. I really liked the occasional action and suspenseful moments. Such as the events taken place in the death star. I think that the strengths are that it had a well thought story that introduced some pretty cool futuristic devices and tools. I think that the weaknesses are that some of the wording can be a little strange and confusing, that can be hard to catch on to. I think this book is part of a series. I think that there are five other books in the series. I will read the rest of the series if I can. People who like Science fiction books or are Star Wars fans would surely like this book. If you like star wars or have a taste for science fiction, then I recommend this book to you.
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