please tell me whence Someone to Save by olimakiella epub via read reader mobile

please tell me whence Someone to Save by olimakiella epub via read reader mobile

please tell me whence Someone to Save by olimakiella epub via read reader mobile

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Book description
Draco Malfoy/Harry PotterSeverus has always been a smart man. His latest accomplishment can testify to that. A passing glance into his - rather shorter than hoped for - future shows him that he has made wrong decisions about more than one thing in his life. He now knows that the rapidly upcoming war is going to bring about a devastation like the world has never seen and death to hundreds of people, including himself. Dumbledore continually tells him that Harry Potter needs the love in his heart to save the world. That isn’t normally a problem, since Potter has a crippling Hero Complex, but now the Wizarding World is turning against their saviour and Harry Potter is losing what love he had fast. He’s not so sure he wants to save it anymore. Therefore, Severus gives him something to save.Words: 33,391; Complete
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