please tell me whence Secrets by Radclyffe (Editor) epub online reading

please tell me whence Secrets by Radclyffe (Editor) epub online reading

please tell me whence Secrets by Radclyffe (Editor) epub online reading

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Book description
Imagine the excitement when everything you thought you knew about love becomes so much… more. An anthology of sensual love stories about women sharing passion, surprises, and secret desires. Discover the thrill of love as you never dreamed it could be with more than twenty selections from best-selling romance authors: Colette Moody, Lesley Davis, Lesléa Newman, Meghan O’Brien, Clifford Henderson, Merry Shannon, Erin Dutton, Ali Vali, Carsen Taite, VK Powell, Julie Cannon, Yolanda Wallace, Andrews & Austin, D. Jackson Leigh, Nell Stark and Trinity Tam, KI Thompson, C.J. Harte, Lisa Girolami, Clara Nipper, Shea Godfrey, Kim Baldwin, Lea Santos, and Radclyffe writing as L.L. Raand.
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