please tell me whence Sanctuary for a Lady by Naomi Rawlings (Goodreads Author) reader free ios torrent prewiew

please tell me whence Sanctuary for a Lady by Naomi Rawlings (Goodreads Author) reader free ios torrent prewiew

please tell me whence Sanctuary for a Lady by Naomi Rawlings (Goodreads Author) reader free ios torrent prewiew

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Book description
The injured young woman Michel Belanger finds in the woods is certainly an aristocrat. And in the midst of Frances bloody revolution, sheltering nobility merits a trip to the guillotine. Yet despite the risk, Michel knows he must bring the wounded girl to his cottage to heal.Attacked by soldiers and left for dead, Isabelle de La Rouchecauld has lost everything. A dukes daughter cannot hope for mercy in France, so escaping to England is her best chance of survival. The only thing more dangerous than staying would be falling in love with this gruff yet tender man of the land. Even if she sees, for the first time, how truly noble a heart can be….
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