please tell me whence Rush by Beth Yarnall (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

please tell me whence Rush by Beth Yarnall (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

please tell me whence Rush by Beth Yarnall (Goodreads Author) free mp3 djvu pdf epub

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Book description
Alternate cover edition for ASIN B00FQQDYM4Someone is stalking Miyuki Price-Jones.As the host of a very successful home shopping TV show that sells adult toys, Mi has become the object of an ex-con’s obsession, requiring the services of ex-Navy SEAL turned bodyguard, Lucas Vega. As the attraction between Lucas and Mi grows, Lucas has a difficult time keeping his feelings for Mi separate from his mission to keep her safe. A mission that is more challenging than anyone could have predicted. Damaged by their pasts, Lucas and Mi find more in common then they could have imagined and secrets they thought would tear them apart could be the ties that bind them together forever. But with the stalker growing bolder, Lucas and Mi must learn to trust each other or risk losing more than their hearts. One of them could lose their life.
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