please tell me whence Robin Hood: Peoples Outlaw and Forest Hero: A Graphic Guide by Paul M. Buhle direct link book mp3 find how download

please tell me whence Robin Hood: Peoples Outlaw and Forest Hero: A Graphic Guide by Paul M. Buhle direct link book mp3 find how download

please tell me whence Robin Hood: Peoples Outlaw and Forest Hero: A Graphic Guide by Paul M. Buhle direct link book mp3 find how

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Book description

Book description
Using a unique blend of text, collage, and comic art, this social commentary written in graphic novel format analyzes the continuity between the myth of Robin Hood and the occurrence of social uprisings among peasants. In addition, the book explores the mysteries, factual evidence, and trajectory that led to centuries of village festivals, songs, films, and cult television shows about the mythical hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. Featuring a collage of various artistic renderings of Robin Hood over the past seven centuries, the comic portion presents a distinct perspective of the folk hero. Furthermore, the book reveals a largely unknown and unconsidered environmental side of Robin Hood, and touches on ecological wholeness that, for the most part, is absent in the mythos.
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