please tell me whence Resident Evil, vol 1: Marhawa Desire by Capcom fb2 ibooks ipad

please tell me whence Resident Evil, vol 1: Marhawa Desire by Capcom fb2 ibooks ipad

please tell me whence Resident Evil, vol 1: Marhawa Desire by Capcom fb2 ibooks ipad

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Book description
The highly virulent C-virus became a global disaster, but where did the outbreak start? In this prequel to the hit Resident Evil 6 game, the terrifying origins are revealed. At the prestigious and elite Marhawa High School in Singapore, a female student suffers a horrifying transformation. Called in to investigate, Professor Doug Wright and his nephew Ricky find themselves caught up in a deadly and growing tragedy. As things get rapidly out of hand, Chris Redfield and his team from the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance arrive on the scene, while behind it all a mysterious figure looms.
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