please tell me whence Redemption by Jessica Therrien (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

please tell me whence Redemption by Jessica Therrien (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

please tell me whence Redemption by Jessica Therrien (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description
Lead Council member, Christoph, is dead by Elyse’s hand, and Descendants have begun to emerge, exposing their secret to the world. Some see this as the prophecy come to fruition, but the prophecy caries a heavy consequence. It was never meant to be as peaceful as most had hoped.Humans and Descendants struggle to live together in a world that isn’t ready for such a change. America is divided. Those who glorify the supernatural race believe Descendants truly are the gods they claim relation to. Others see them as a threat.When Elyse gives birth to the next generation oracle, she sees one final vision—war. The destruction of the country’s major cities, and the end of America as we know it.After her daughter is born, Elyse finds herself without the ability she needs to predict the future. Desperate to save the world from such conflict, she puts her faith in the hope that Descendants are the key to survival. After all, they have the power to supply a broken society with the means to survive.Only from the ashes can a new world be born.
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