please tell me whence Puffin Graphics: Red Badge of Courage (Puffin Graphics (Graphic Novels)) by Wayne Vansant (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

please tell me whence Puffin Graphics: Red Badge of Courage (Puffin Graphics (Graphic Novels)) by Wayne Vansant (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

please tell me whence Puffin Graphics: Red Badge of Courage (Puffin Graphics (Graphic Novels)) by Wayne Vansant (Goodreads Author)

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Book description

Book description
I was born and raised near Atlanta, GA, and served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. I graduated from the Atlanta College of Art in 1975 and have had many jobs, including being a salesman, security guard, milk delivery man, and the Director of Security for a large art museum. I began my writing and illustration career in 1986 with Marvel Comics Savage Tales and The Nam. Since then I have written and/or illustrated many books and comics on historical/military subjects such as Battle Group Peiper, Days of Darkness, Antietam: The Fiery Trial (commissioned by the National Park Service), Blockade: The Civil War at Sea, The War in Korea, The Hammer and the Anvil (profiling Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass), Normandy (profiling D-Day and the entire Normandy Campaign), Gettysburg (profiling the Battle of Gettysburg), and many others. I am currently working on graphic histories of the Battle of the Bulge, Manfred von Richthofen, aka the Red Baron, and and am finishing up my Russian Front trilogy entitled Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Patriotic War, which is currently available as an eBook on Comics Plus, a leading comics book app.
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