please tell me whence President Ronald Reagan: Lets Make America Great Again! by Hal Moroz (Goodreads Author) download pdf

please tell me whence President Ronald Reagan: Lets Make America Great Again! by Hal Moroz (Goodreads Author) download pdf

please tell me whence President Ronald Reagan: Lets Make America Great Again! by Hal Moroz (Goodreads Author) download pdf

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Book description
Ronald Reagan was elected the 40th President of the United States in 1980, and America began her march down the long road to recovery. His campaign slogan was Lets Make America Great Again! I accepted it as his pledge to lead a national crusade to bring America back from the brink. Praise God, President Reagan kept that pledge! President Ronald Reagan was the right man, at the right time, to lead America back to greatness! And this book is a tribute to this great, good man! President Reagan was a great believer in God and country! On more than one occasion, he declared, I believe that God put this land between two great oceans to be found by a special people from every corner of the world who had that extra love of freedom that prompted them to leave their homeland and come to this land to make it a brilliant light beam of freedom to the world. His leadership and faith made me a believer and crusader in the cause. I continue to herald the virtues of President Reagan, even to the present day. He was a great leader and visionary. And he taught us much about America, and the leadership it needs to survive and prosper. He brought America back, and in the process changed many lives, including mine. He became president less than a month before his 70th birthday, and changed my perspective on age. President Reagan was a favorite and champion of both the young and old. So much so, he was often mocked and trivialized by the liberal media pundits, but he soundly defeated Jimmy Carter and changed the political landscape of the South. And that same liberal media questioned his conservative agenda for America, but he managed to win re-election by a landslide, achieving victory in 49 of the 50 states in our Union, and coming very close to winning the home state of his democrat opponent. President Reagan gave no quarter to his opponents, defeating them in their liberal strongholds. He surrendered no states in the electoral process. All were contested and in play. He made an end to abortion, reduced taxes, and national defense Republican issues. He rebuilt our military and restored the great American Spirit. President Reagan made me realize that with God all things are possible. Within this work is the philosophy and body of evidence -- the blueprint, if you will -- to recapture and sustain Americas march to greatness. It embodies the life and legacy of President Reagan. It is a priceless collection of his words. Beginning with the start of a national crusade in his inaugural address and ultimately passing the torch to us with his powerful farewell, President Reagan shows the way. What then follows is a retracement of his political journey through his many moving speeches and statements. And finally, you will find a tribute and challenge to continue the legacy of the greatest president of my lifetime. President Reagan gave us a precious gift, and now it is up to us to carry the banner of conservative principles that President Reagan championed to this generation and the next. We must stand in the gap for America! And you can start this quest by reading passages from this book to your family around the dinner table - and why not start this tradition tonight? Study it, and live it! Now that would be a very American thing to do! With Gods help, and your contributions to this noble effort, we can fulfill President Reagans vision that Americas best days are yet to come! Let us pray this is so! And, after all, as President Reagan said in his first inaugural address, why shouldnt we believe that? We are Americans! This is the Age of Reagan ... Lets Make America Great Again! Judge Hal Moroz, author of the bestseller, Living a Godly Life
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