please tell me whence Plantation Boy by Milton Murayama doc ebay book bookstore pocket

please tell me whence Plantation Boy by Milton Murayama doc ebay book bookstore pocket

please tell me whence Plantation Boy by Milton Murayama doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
The third in the Oyama family saga and the best so far, I have yet to read the fourth and final installment. We get the eldest son Toshs view of the world from the beginning of the war, to becoming a husband and father, to getting an off plantation and off island job, to finally breaking free from the plantations cultural shackles as he strikes out into his own business ventures as a legitimate, certified architect in the mid-sixties. Tosh is a boxer. Tosh is a man. Tosh is an American. His narrative is to the point, blow by blow reports of what is occupying his mind at the present moment. Amid the accounts of territory then state scale political dramas (unions, communists, the rise of the Democratic Party in Hawaii), relentless studying during blackouts, career planning, competitive jostling with other plantation workers, and his thoughts on the latest work projects he has going on, we do get a few glimpses of his family life and inner workings. By books end, we really dont know anything about his wife Fujie/Carol other than how she calms him down and how smart she is. Damn these wahines. No matter how much you yell at them, they go right ahead and do what they want. We dont know her hobbies, favorite music, mannerisms, pet peeves, or anything else 50s husbands stereotypically neglected. Likewise, the only time we see the children is when there is a problem that demands repair, like one daughters club foot he constantly massages to fix and another daughters conflict with a teacher which he must also fix. As he would fix a broken pipe or blown gasket. Nevertheless, in italicized lines written as though notes to himself, we do get brief, enticing glimpses into Toshs inner thoughts revealing a far more complex individual that may appear on the surface as above. He carries the burden of being on the homefront when his brother and friends fight the Axis in the front and bigotry from behind. Its not that bad I tell myself. Think of the guys dying in Europe and the Pacific. He sees the Big 5 plantations hands in every island affair determined to maintain white dominance on every level of life. These two aspects and his deep and surprisingly complex resentment of his parents sustain his drive finally to attain his architects certification despite his employers open attempts to thwart that accomplishment. No high school degree. No college degree. Twelve years behind the 100th/442 veterans with GI Bill funded mainland diplomas. What strikes me most though is that this book is real. Its called a novel. But its real. This fact hit me like that sudden and brief hush that falls over a bustling restaurant when a tray of plates and glasses shatters on the floor. Then Kosei Nakamura, the Honokawai boy Happy talked about, is killed in early June and gets the Bronze Star. Hes the first KIA among the 442nd volunteers from West Maui. Several weeks later the papers list 2 Wailuku boys killed on the same day, June 2, 1944, near Lanuvio, Italy. My great-uncle was one of those two Wailuku boys.
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