please tell me whence Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness (Hc) by Hubert Rampersad value text macbook online eng

please tell me whence Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness (Hc) by Hubert Rampersad value text macbook online eng

please tell me whence Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness

> READ BOOK > Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness (Hc)

> ONLINE BOOK > Personal Balanced Scorecard: The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity, and Organizational Effectiveness (Hc)

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Book description

Book description
The Personal Balanced Scorecard (PBSC) is a journey into the inner self, where values, hopes, dreams and aspirations lie quietly waiting to be discovered. Taking the journey as an individual allows you to view your life objectively and authentically as a whole person and provides a roadmap of your dreams and aspirations translated into manageable and measurable milestones. As a part of the Total Performance Scorecard (TPS) process which I introduced in 2003 in Total Performance Scorecard: Redefining Management to Achieve Performance with Integrity, and which has been translated into more than 20 languages, the Personal Balanced Scorecard can also be an effective way for managers to coach others to achieve integrity and alignment between work and life. The benefit comes from changing individual behavior in order to drive organizational effectiveness, enhance performance, and increase self-awareness, personal responsibility and motivation. PBSC is an integral part of this organic and holistic Total Performance Scorecard process, which is an organizational and cultural change tool and a method for ongoing effectiveness. Its uniqueness lies in aligning and a combination of Personal and Organizational goals to result in Individual Performance Plans for each employee. The focus of this book is the PBSC portion, which comprises a search for self-knowledge, self-discovery and self-mastery.
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