please tell me whence Nature Guide Stars and Planets by DK Publishing book mobile purchase find english

please tell me whence Nature Guide Stars and Planets by DK Publishing book mobile purchase find english

please tell me whence Nature Guide Stars and Planets by DK Publishing book mobile purchase find english

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Book description
From the planets in our solar system to the constellations that brighten up the night skies, leaf through Nature Guide Stars and Planets, a beautiful guide to our solar system and beyond.Part of a new generation of compact natural history guides, Stars and Planets is expertly written and packed full of stunning images that reveal the intricate details and unique characteristics of our stars and planets. This guide will give you knowledge of the galaxy at your fingertips.With information on the tools and techniques youll need to observe the night skies and a guide to all 88 constellations, Nature Guide Stars and Planets is the ideal identification guide to keep in your pocket.
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