please tell me whence National Gallery of Art: Washington by John Walker online link pocket kickass eng

please tell me whence National Gallery of Art: Washington by John Walker online link pocket kickass eng

please tell me whence National Gallery of Art: Washington by John Walker online link pocket kickass eng

> READ BOOK > National Gallery of Art: Washington

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Book description
This is a mean-spirited book. Ive been reading the commentary, but have given it up and now just look at the pictures (which are excellent reproductions). Mr Walker seems to focus on the the sharp dealings TNG has done to acquire masterpieces, especially regarding the Rubens, but others as well. His critique of the presented works reflect the prejudices of his time (or perhaps his own, but if so, he was a short-sighted individual), and there is no allowance for context or a nod to the development of art across the eras, much less a recognition of the influences felt by artists from different global regions. In short, Mr Walker is an art snob and rather tedious to read due to this superior attitude. There is no comparison between this and Gombrichs The Story of Art, an outstanding, educational overview of art. It is a convenient way to view TNG collection, so I gave it 3 stars.
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