please tell me whence NEVER SLEEP: Graduating to Graphic Design by Andre Andreev (Editor) eng txt store book library

please tell me whence NEVER SLEEP: Graduating to Graphic Design by Andre Andreev (Editor) eng txt store book library

please tell me whence NEVER SLEEP: Graduating to Graphic Design by Andre Andreev (Editor) eng txt store book library

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Book description
There is a major disconnect between the life of a design student and the transition to being a design professional. To demystify the transition, we share the failures, successes, and surprises during our years in college and progression into the field: the creative process, monetary problems, internships, interviews, mistakes, and personal relationships. We include the work from our first design class to our most current client work, along with side stories and interviews from our mentors, teachers, and peers. This book will serve as the ultimate companion for design students, educators, and anyone breaking into a creative field.At the combined age of forty-six, Andre Andreev and Dan Covert have been recognized by I.D., BDA, Communication Arts, PRINT, Graphis, Metropolis, the Type Directors Club, The Art Directors Club, CMYK, HOW, Adobe, STEP Field Guide to Emerging Design Talent, and Young Guns. They met while studying graphic design at California College of the Arts and currently work for MTV’s on-air design department in New York, while operating their firm dress code at night. They also co-teach typography and design courses at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. Andre eats no meat, Dan dislikes puppies.
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