please tell me whence Mystery at Rossdale School by Evelyn Simms online library ebook bookstore tablet

please tell me whence Mystery at Rossdale School by Evelyn Simms online library ebook bookstore tablet

please tell me whence Mystery at Rossdale School by Evelyn Simms online library ebook bookstore tablet

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Book description
British childrens author Francis Evelyn Mary Simms was born in Ryde, on the Isle of Wight, and educated privately, before attending the Sophie Newcomb Memorial College (the womens college, at that time, of Tulane University, in New Orleans). From 1905 to 1908, she studied the pianoforte with Tobias Matthay, eventually earning her LRAM (Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music). She worked as the music mistress of Roedean School from 1908 to 1931, an experience which would aid her in the writing of her school stories for girls. After her retirement, she continued to live in Brighton.
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