please tell me whence Murder out of the Blue by Steve Turnbull (Goodreads Author) epub via read reader mobile

please tell me whence Murder out of the Blue by Steve Turnbull (Goodreads Author) epub via read reader mobile

please tell me whence Murder out of the Blue by Steve Turnbull (Goodreads Author) epub via read reader mobile

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Book description

Book description
A gruesome death. An airship full of suspects. A true steampunk whodunnit.Maliha Anderson, a brilliant and fiercely independent Anglo-Indian, is on her way home to make peace with her past and future. When the nurse of a wheelchair-bound General turns up dead, the accusations begin to fly as fast as the Sky Liner RMS Macedonia zips across the clouds. Unlike the baffled authorities, Maliha believes the General is innocent, and so the mystery begins.With landfall just hours away, Maliha must find the true murderer before the culprit escapes, even if it means putting herself in grave danger.Murder out of the Blue is the first installment in the Maliha Anderson steampunk murder mystery series which includes unforeseen twists, vivid descriptions, intriguing characters, and crisp, elegant prose. The book serves as a great introduction to the steampunk genre and as an homage to Agatha Christie in an alternative Edwardian setting.
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