please tell me whence Murder in Baker Street: New Tales of Sherlock Holmes by Martin H. Greenberg (Editor) fb2 sale tablet access online

please tell me whence Murder in Baker Street: New Tales of Sherlock Holmes by Martin H. Greenberg (Editor) fb2 sale tablet access online

please tell me whence Murder in Baker Street: New Tales of Sherlock Holmes by Martin H. Greenberg (Editor) fb2 sale tablet access

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Book description
Ill start by summarizing everything Im about to say: only read this book if you are absolutely desperate for some apocryphal Sherlock Holmes. These stories are to Holmes what a twig is to a cane. They may share some qualities, but theres not much use for the former.Now, granted, its a collection and so some are better than others. Several stories were actually pleasant. The Case of the Borderline Dandelions, The Siren of Sennen Cove, and The Remarkable Worm were all okay, without too much of the this isnt Holmes or Watson feel youll get from many other stories in this book.The one standout story was A Hansom for Mr. Holmes by Gillian Linscott. It was the only story, out of eleven, that was not told from Dr. Watsons point of view. (It focused on a cab-driver, and between the fresh perspective and good writing, this one stood out from the other stories.While the rest of the stories, then were terribly, horribly mediocre, there was also a standout at the other end of the spectrum. L. B. Greenwoods Darkest Gold was absolutely the worst story of the lot. Watson and Holmes barely felt like their true counterparts, the story was choppy, and in the end Holmes wasnt needed.The story completely focused on and was solved by non-Holmesian characters. I got the impression that Greenwood wrote a short story (that wasnt good anyway) and then threw Watson and Holmes in there, making it even worse.To add insult to injury, at the end of the book some writing with excerpts from actual Holmes stories, studying the character. Reading that, its painfully obvious to see how the stories in this book often didnt grasp the detective and were just plain bad.
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