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please tell me whence Mountain Mistress by Nadine Crenshaw story offline online doc finder

please tell me whence Mountain Mistress by Nadine Crenshaw story offline online doc finder

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Book description
RESCUED BY A RAKEWhen a muscular, handsome trader bought her freedom from her Blackfoot captors, Victorines thanks knew no bounds. Surely hed deliver her from these uncharted Rockey Mountains back to civilized Philadelphia. Then the blackguard announced that shed stay with him as his bride--and the headstrong beautys gratitude turned to outrage. Never would she submit to such a brute; never would she allow him a husbands privileges. But as the powerful woodsman worked his sensual magic on her, the innocent blondes protests drowned beneath her uncontrollable gasps of ecstasy!!ENTRANCED BY A VIPERThe instant hot-blooded Cougar saw the Indian Warriors new slave, the virile adventurer knew he had to have the curvaceous captive for himself. And once he paid two bales of beaver for her, he realized that there was no one in the unsettled wildnerness to challenge his right to the wench. It didnt matter to the rugged frontiersman that she ceaselessly swore shed never let him near. Soon hed be silencing her pretty lips with kisses, demolishing her precious pride with embraces........and proving just how mistaken she was as he claimed her as his loving MOUNTAIN MISTRESS.
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