please tell me whence Moonwitched by Renee Wildes (Goodreads Author) macbook online ebook review look

please tell me whence Moonwitched by Renee Wildes (Goodreads Author) macbook online ebook review look

please tell me whence Moonwitched by Renee Wildes (Goodreads Author) macbook online ebook review look

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Book description
He’s the scourge of her homeland, but in Valkyn Mari finds an ally who can help restore the rightful boy king to the throne and a man who reminds her there’s life after widowhood in this thrilling fantasy romance.Valkyn was bred for war and Mari uses her magic only for healing and the reader can’t help but get drawn into the story as they come together to fight for love. Despite their differences there is no denying the heat that flows from Mari and Valkyn’s attraction and the sex scenes are steamy but their cultural differences makes a pretty big obstacle to their relationship. The characters are strong, captivating and determined to take readers along on their adventure to save a kingdom while the steady to fast paced, smooth flowing plot keeps anticipations high with lots of suspense, action, romance and magic.Excitement and expectation builds throughout the story as the evil spreads and the atrocities committed by the usurper horrify and cause Mari to endanger her life to heal them and of course the escalating danger of fighting to put the boy king back on his throne. Well written scenes and details paint vivid images bringing the story to life and the suspense draws readers in and refuses to let go while the complex plot, interactions with a goddess and some unexpected twists spice things up.The author has created a fascinating alternate world fantasy with some traditional elements as well as unique elements that blend together to keep things interesting. The story and the intriguing characters had me enthralled from the beginning and I am looking forward to more adventures in the Guardian of Light world but I do have to tell you that reading the series in sequence may be the best way to go as this is the first one I have read and I believe I missed out on some important world building.
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