please tell me whence Maisys Race Car: A Go with Maisy Board Book by Lucy Cousins page pc format online how to

please tell me whence Maisys Race Car: A Go with Maisy Board Book by Lucy Cousins page pc format online how to

please tell me whence Maisys Race Car: A Go with Maisy Board Book by Lucy Cousins page pc format online how to

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Book description

Book description
Maisy zooms with her friends in a shaped board book loaded with preschooler appeal.Ready, set, go! Maisy loves her new race car—and today she and her friends are having a race. Everyone lines up, and Maisy zooms out in front—vroom! But wait! What’s up ahead? Slow down,everybody! That’s Tortoise crossing the track! Once the race is back on, Tallulah takes the lead, and she’s going really fast. But is she going fast enough to win the race?
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