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Book description
Great book with ex military Scott Russell second oldest of Miss E. grandchildren and Nina public relations consultant. Loved the chemistry between Scott and Nina from the moment that they at met at Casa de Mariposa. Out of all the years Nina and Kenize had been friends Nina had never met Scott Kenzies brother. Scott and Nina were totally opposites but yet they were attracted to each which was very good.Loved the mystery that was going on with Gary. He had a neat little operation going on at Casa de Mariposa with the betting and prostitution but with a man like Scott being the new manager of security not much got pass him.Anastasia was a hot mess and Carl Ninas ex-husband made. Not only was Anastasia at 25 years of age rebelling against her father but she was also interested in Scott of who was very much into Nina. Dont know what Anastasia was thinking when she made a sex tape with Carl and herself as the stars and leaked onto the internet. I guess you can say it worked in her favor by landing her a role in a movie as Carl the producer and it helped out Carls career also. Now he can leave Nina alone.Gary should have cut his losses and moved on after being fired; but no he comes back to Casa de Mariposa to rob them of the 10 million dollars that was being given away for a publicity stunt for New Years and of course was on the job with help from Nina.Everything worked out and now Scott and Nina are engaged to be married.Now on read about of Miss E. grandsons French Chef Donovan and Hendrix a pastry chef Bet On My Heart
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