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please tell me whence Looking for a Miracle by Wanda E. Brunstetter pdf ibooks ipad

please tell me whence Looking for a Miracle by Wanda E. Brunstetter pdf ibooks ipad

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Book description
‘Looking For A Miracle’ by Wanda E. Brunstetter is the second novel in the series ‘Brides of Lancaster County.’ Although this book is not as interesting as the first book, ‘A Merry Heart,’ it still grabbed my attention. Rebekah Stoltzfus is a handicapped Amish young adult, who has been confined to a wheelchair since a young child. When she was little, she excepted it for how it was, but as she grew older she began to feel self-conscious. Rebekah often felt as is she was a burden to her family and friends. Marry Ellen Stoltzfus is Rebekah’s best friend(also her cousin) and is the total opposite of her. Mary Ellen has a fun, witty, and spunky personality, Rebekah does not. While Mary Ellen is naturally beautiful and has all the good looks, Rebekah doesn’t think she is the least bit appealing. Rebekah thinks she has no hope for marriage, but one man has his eye on Rebekah, Daniel Beachy. Rebekah, determined to show her family she isn’t a burden and can support herself financially, so she opens a green house. The green house is a big success, boosting Rebekah’s self-confidence a notch. Rebekah only believes Daniel is taking a liking to her because he likes flowers, and feels bad for Rebekah being handicapped and all. Despite the reasons she thinks is true, Rebekah falls in a trance for Daniel, but she believes there is no hope for them(at least that’s what she thinks). But Daniel really does love Rebekah, but he is afraid of what might happen if he comes clean with his feelings for her. Can Rebekah and Daniel become more than flower lovers and maybe even get married? Read ‘Looking For A Miracle’ and you will find out how Daniel and Rebekah look to God for understanding and help! ‘Looking For A Miracle’ is an exceptional novel. This realistic fiction book is one to read! This book is mainly for female teens and up. A solid four stars! If you want to read and good Christian romance novel, this book is for you!
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