please tell me whence Lithas Constant Whim by Amy Lane (Goodreads Author) flibusta touch library read get

please tell me whence Lithas Constant Whim by Amy Lane (Goodreads Author) flibusta touch library read get

please tell me whence Lithas Constant Whim by Amy Lane (Goodreads Author) flibusta touch library read get

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Book description
Whim believes himself to be the least powerful sidhe at Greens Hill: he is as constant as a bumblebee in a hurricane and as faithful as a stray breeze. Whims prince believes there is more to him than that and on Litha, the night of the summer solstice, sends Whim into the mortal world where he strives to give a piece of himself to others. It is on Litha that Whim meets Charlie, a young, desperate human who steals a kiss. Whim steals one back and, in turn, craves another taste of this extraordinary man. Their vows to return next Litha and finish what they started launch a thirteen-year tradition of celebration between the mortal and the immortal, between love and patience, that is sustained by Whims driving, faithful compulsion to love and keep his human close to his heart.
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