please tell me whence Katherine Mansfield: The View from France by Gerri Kimber read pdf on ipad

please tell me whence Katherine Mansfield: The View from France by Gerri Kimber read pdf on ipad

please tell me whence Katherine Mansfield: The View from France by Gerri Kimber read pdf on ipad

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Book description
This book assesses the reason why Katherine Mansfields reputation in France has always been greater than in England. It examines the ways in which the French reception of Mansfield has idealised her persona to the extent of crafting a hagiography. Mansfield is placed within the general literary context of her era, exploring French literary tendencies at the time and juxtaposing them with the main literary trends in England. The author determines the motives behind the French critics desire to put Mansfield on a pedestal, discusses how the three years she spent on French soil influenced her writing and whether the translations of her work collude in the myth surrounding her personality. This book is the first sustained attempt to establish interconnections between her own French influences (literary and otherwise) and the myth-making of the French critics and translators. The book also follows the critical appraisal of Mansfields life and work in France from her death up to the present day, by closely analysing the differing French critical responses. The author reveals how these various strands combine to create a legend which has little basis in fact, thereby demonstrating how reception and translation determine the importance of an authors reputation in the literary world.
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