please tell me whence Japans Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution During World War II and the Us Occupation by Yuki Tanaka audio store read iphone book

please tell me whence Japans Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution During World War II and the Us Occupation by Yuki Tanaka audio store read iphone book

please tell me whence Japans Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution During World War II and the Us Occupation by Yuki Tanaka

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Book description

Book description
Japans Comfort Women tells the harrowing story of the comfort women who were forced to enter prostitution to serve the Japanese Imperial army, often living in appalling conditions of sexual slavery. Using a wide range of primary sources, the author for the first time links military controlled prostitution with enforced prostitution. He uncovers new and controversial information about the role of the US occupation forces in military controlled prostitution, as well as the subsequent cover-up of the existence of such a policy. This groundbreaking book asks why US occupation forces did little to help the women, and argues that military authorities organised prostitution to prevent the widespread incidence of GI rape of Japanese women, and to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
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