please tell me whence Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the early Mystics to Rumi by Mahmood Jamal (Translator, Editor) author offline read ebook txt

please tell me whence Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the early Mystics to Rumi by Mahmood Jamal (Translator, Editor) author offline read ebook txt

please tell me whence Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the early Mystics to Rumi by Mahmood Jamal (Translator, Editor) author

> READ BOOK > Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the early Mystics to Rumi

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Book description

Book description
Written from the ninth to the twentieth century, these poems represent the peak of Islamic Mystical writing, from Rabia Basri to Mian Mohammad Baksh. Reflecting both private devotional love and the attempt to attain union with God and become absorbed into the Divine, many poems in this edition are imbued with the symbols and metaphors that develop many of the central ideas of Sufism: the Lover, the Beloved, the Wine, and the Tavern; while others are more personal and echo the poets battle to leave earthly love behind.These translations capture the passion of the original poetry and are accompanied by an introduction on Sufism and the common themes apparent in the works. This edition also includes suggested further reading.
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