please tell me whence Ireland: A Celebration in Verse by Roy Benjamin no registration read macbook full sale

please tell me whence Ireland: A Celebration in Verse by Roy Benjamin no registration read macbook full sale

please tell me whence Ireland: A Celebration in Verse by Roy Benjamin no registration read macbook full sale

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Book description
The written word has long been home to the hopes and fears, the laughter and dreams of the Irish people. Not surprisingly, poetry - the most lyrical of all arts of the written word - has a venerable history in Ireland. In fact, Irish history itself, so often written by the hands of others, reveals its true native accent within Irish verse.Ireland: A Celebration in Verse presents the recurring themes of Irish poetry and culture through seventy memorable poems. The selection spans nearly a dozen centuries. More than a third of the poems were originally written in Irish and have been translated into English by some of Irelands ablest poets, past and present: Douglas Hyde, Samuel Ferguson, Lady Gregory, Austin Clarke, Paul Muldoon, and others.
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