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please tell me whence Introducing Walter Benjamin by Howard Caygill finder kickass flibusta pc free

please tell me whence Introducing Walter Benjamin by Howard Caygill finder kickass flibusta pc free

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Book description
I hastily signed up to write a final paper for a course on critical theory, where we looked at Walter Benjamins theses on history. After doing some research, I realized my eyes were bigger than my stomach...but I had already begun, and did not want this to be another unrealized, fragmentary project. So I go to the used bookstore and find tucked away in the philosophy section this little text. Initially I thought nothing of it, but when I saw the name I took a look. I had heard of the introducing series before and initially did not like the concept. How dare they reduce these great minds to a series of comic strips! But then I put my prejudice aside with the rationale there are other modes of explication... and perhaps this new medium will broaden the horizon of exploration and so on. So I read the book and I was very surprised. This piece does not fall short, however hard you may look to criticize it because of the seemingly blasphemous premise. I think the editors of Introducing realize that readers might be reluctant to read a comic book, and so really try make their work of quality - not out of compensation, but to prove a point. Anyway...This is a great introduction to the life, times, and ideas of an elusive and misunderstood thinker. It discusses the movement of his life and its relation to the evolution of his ideas. Benjamin is a very unique thinker, and completely bypasses traditional forms of philosophical expression. That is probably one of the key takeaways for me. Philosophy does not have to be a series of premises and conclusion, packaged together in a clean paper with all the appropriate footnotes and headings. Lastly, the ideas themselves, I think, are wonderful and worth pursuing. There is so much to this thinker, that it feels like studying Walter is going to be an ongoing project. And those are the best kind!
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