please tell me whence Insurgency and Terrorism: From Revolution to Apocalypse by Bard E. O'Neill look eng full story read

please tell me whence Insurgency and Terrorism: From Revolution to Apocalypse by Bard E. O'Neill look eng full story read

please tell me whence Insurgency and Terrorism: From Revolution to Apocalypse by Bard E. O'Neill look eng full story read

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Book description
A systematic, comprehensive, and straightforward textbook for analyzing and comparing insurgencies and terrorist movements, Insurgency and Terrorism was first published in 1990 to broad acclaim. Observers, scholars, students, military personnel, journalists, and government analysts worldwide found it worthy of study. Now Insurgency and Terrorism has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover activity that has since occurred in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Philippines, Colombia, and elsewhere and to address the new tactics and weapons used—and threatened. Author Bard E. ONeill, the director of studies of insurgency and revolution at the National War College, addresses insurgencies with respect to ultimate goals, strategies, forms of warfare, the role and means of acquiring popular support, organizational dynamics, causes and effects of disunity, types of external support, and government responses. Course syllabi included.
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