please tell me whence Imperial Armour Volume 6: The Siege of Vraks - Part Two by Warwick Kinrade book fb2 online

please tell me whence Imperial Armour Volume 6: The Siege of Vraks - Part Two by Warwick Kinrade book fb2 online

please tell me whence Imperial Armour Volume 6: The Siege of Vraks - Part Two by Warwick Kinrade book fb2 online

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Book description

Book description
The siege of Vraks continuesIn ten years of constant war, the renegades have fought bitterly, inflicting millions of casualties on the Death Korps but gradually, remorselessly, they have been pushed back. The noose has tightened around the Fortress of Vraks and the Apostate-Cardinal is trapped in his lair, the sound of the Imperiums guns growing ever closer. And for a brief time it seemed that the end was in sight and that the renegades strength was at last exhausted and soon they must break. But it was not so reinforcements were on their way. The slaughter must continue and cruel gods could drink their fill of blood.This 208 page book is heavily illustrated with over 50 colour and black & white pictures, 60 full colour vehicle profiles, 30 technical drawings, plus organisation charts and scenarios to add new depth to the Warhammer 40,000 universe.Also included are additions to the Death Korps of Krieg Siege regiments army list, including the mighty Reaver Titan and a complete Renegade and Heretic Servants of Slaughter army list. The Appendices section contains all the rules you need to use super-heavy vehicles and aircraft in your games. Also included in this book is a large Siege of Vraks poster.For Warhammer 40,000 enthusiasts this book provides an overview of the continuing campaign on Vraks.
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