please tell me whence IP in Wireless Networks by Basavaraj Patil tom kickass download pc book

please tell me whence IP in Wireless Networks by Basavaraj Patil tom kickass download pc book

please tell me whence IP in Wireless Networks by Basavaraj Patil tom kickass download pc book

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Book description
IP in Wireless Networks is the first network professionals guide to integrating IP in 2G, 2.5G, and 3G wireless networks. It delivers systematic, expert implementation guidance for every leading wireless network, including 802.11, Bluetooth, GSM/GPRS, W-CDMA, cdma2000, and i-mode. In-depth coverage encompasses architecture, technical challenges, deployment and operation strategies, mobility models, routing, and applications. The book presents future evolution of the Wireless IP Networks with emerging applications and the role of standardization bodies.
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