please tell me whence Hunting Evander by Kim Knox (Goodreads Author) read flibusta story writer epub

please tell me whence Hunting Evander by Kim Knox (Goodreads Author) read flibusta story writer epub

please tell me whence Hunting Evander by Kim Knox (Goodreads Author) read flibusta story writer epub

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Book description
Narda is on a hunt.Her target, Doran Van Evander has holed up on a mining planet. But her hunt wont be simple or easy. Planet Lisala-7 is in the grip of a festival, one theyve made compulsory. Five days of licensed debauchery and now with her body on fire from the touch of strangers, she must find her target before her time runs out. Failing is not an option. But in this game, who is the hunter and who is the prey?
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