please tell me whence Homework Without Tears by Lee Canter download txt

please tell me whence Homework Without Tears by Lee Canter download txt

please tell me whence Homework Without Tears by Lee Canter download txt

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Book description
I liked the book. Didnt love it though. The information was fairly basic and common sense. Different sections applied to children in different grades. My children are still quite young so not all of the information applied to our situation. I liked how the authors instructs parents to set up a homework area and a hw time. They emphasize being firm and consistent with your child(ren) otherwise they will find a way to manipulate you and the situation. What I didnt like is how they repeatedly insisted that parents are not to teach children. I was always taught that parents are the first teachers. While it is important that a child learns at school and pays attention to their teacher while hw is being assigned, that doesnt mean that you might not be able to teach your child in a more effective manner than the teacher. All in all, a helpful book.
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