please tell me whence Holiday Hideout by Lynette Eason (Goodreads Author) how download online original purchase book

please tell me whence Holiday Hideout by Lynette Eason (Goodreads Author) how download online original purchase book

please tell me whence Holiday Hideout by Lynette Eason (Goodreads Author) how download online original purchase book

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Book description
All Dr. Abby Sullivan wants for Christmas is to escape her guilt. Yet no matter how far and fast she runs, she cant leave behind her past or the grim secret she carries. Then a stalkers threats send her on a chilling journey to Rose Mountain, North Carolina, where shes forced to rely on a strangers protection. But her reliance on handsome cop Cal MacIvers puts him and his family in danger. To survive a deadly showdown, Abby will have to choose: fl ee again or fight for her life—and for love.
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