please tell me whence Her Every Pleasure by Gaelen Foley (Goodreads Author) kindle review wiki free pocket

please tell me whence Her Every Pleasure by Gaelen Foley (Goodreads Author) kindle review wiki free pocket

please tell me whence Her Every Pleasure by Gaelen Foley (Goodreads Author) kindle review wiki free pocket

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Book description
I laughed, I cried, I almost threw it against the wall....until I remembered it was on my Kindle! Wow, okay, where to start. First, the heroine Sophia of Kavros was a tad...umm, how you say...snotty? Arrogant? Ok, I understand she was on her way to be placed onto the thrown of her war-torn little Greek island and I guess thats something to be snotty about (although I am not that snotty and I rule lots of things! Yeah, I know, not a Greek island but still!!) LOL I digress...The story was the last in the Spicy Trilogy which is linked to the Knight Miscellany and is the stories of the Knight’s cousins Georgiana, Derek & Gabriel who were raised in India. The trilogy was a tad steamier than the Knight Miscellany due to Derek & Gabriel’s knowledge of the Kama Sutra, so there was an element of adventurousness and naughtiness in the sex scenes.The hero, Major Gabriel Knight has had a brush with death in this series and when we find him in Her Every Pleasure he’s piddling away his life on a far-off London farm, waiting for his purpose in life to slap him in the him the way....give him some meaning and alas does when little Miss Sophia comes traipsing along. Okay well its not traipsing, she had to quickly flee her well loved and very protective entourage as they were escorting her to a secret meeting with British politicians when suddenly they were ambushed by a band of Turks whose sole mission is to abduct her and take over her little Greek island. The island’s location is crucial to not only England, but the rest of the world and anyone who can get their hands on it. Oh and wouldn’t you know...they aren’t the only ones who would like to see Sophia dead. As she fled the almost-abduction/killing, she winds up in Gabriel’s barn. He’s not only sworn off picking up a weapon again to kill another living soul but he’s given his younger brother Derek his lofty title as First Born as well as the family money and since his brush with death, he hasnt been with a woman in quite some time. So there she is, in her lowly peasant outfit, stunningly beautiful and sleeping in the hay loft of his barn. His first thought is shes a present that his brother has sent him....for pleasure. Sophia rides along with this little rouse, awaiting her entourage and trying to keep her identity a secret all the while a strong attraction for one another takes hold, catching them both off guard.Then story takes off as they must fight their attraction for one another, having a common goal of getting Sophia to Kavros to take her rightful place as Queen and finding out who wants her dead. Strong, handsome and ultra alpha male Gabriel is by her side as her trusted English bodyguard, helping to fit all the pieces together. This book, as most of Ms. Foley’s books, is laden with history, this one with the struggles of countries after Napoleon’s reign and destruction as well as a bit of Muslim culture. I laughed at a few instances with their sexual encounters....umm, the ride thru the French countryside in their carriage had me giggling and the appearance of the Knight clan with their cleaver quips and jabs was a wonderful treat. I cried when the book was over as I’ve fallen in love with the huge Knight family and I almost thru my precious Kindle against the wall due to Gabriel making a HUGE uncharacteristic screw up with her lady-in-waiting. I know!! BUT there is redemption on his part, well if Miss Hoity Toity would just listen!! But he does a great job at redemption and her “lady-in-waiting” well...she gets her comeuppance! I’d give this book a 4 ½ stars & hope you enjoy it!
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