please tell me whence Healing Pluto Problems by Donna Cunningham doc ebay book bookstore pocket

please tell me whence Healing Pluto Problems by Donna Cunningham doc ebay book bookstore pocket

please tell me whence Healing Pluto Problems by Donna Cunningham doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
Goodness. I feel like I just got my mouth washed out with a whole bottle of Slap.If you ever believed that everything was all your fault and you were solely responsible for making it all right, read this book and itll reinforce that conviction.The book has far less astrology than I expected. Despite the jacket description, it also contains far fewer recommendations for resolving the issues than it does for identifying them, explaining them and specifying causes of them other than just the Pluto placement in a natal chart. Despite being loaded with sensationalism by understatement, I got a lot out of the book. She most assuredly understands Plutonians. There arent many of us, our needs are different than others, and she does make that abundantly clear.Once I get the Slap out of my mouth, Ill study the book more closely. If you decide to make the plunge into this book, you might consider reading Chapter Eight, Counseling People With Pluto Problems, first. Had I been forewarned that she was aware of how offended we would be, I might have felt like the Slap was minty-fresh Scope instead.
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