please tell me whence Greek Orthodox Patrology: An Introduction to the Study of the Church Fathers by Panagiotes, K. Chrestou text reading without registering read acquire

please tell me whence Greek Orthodox Patrology: An Introduction to the Study of the Church Fathers by Panagiotes, K. Chrestou text reading without registering read acquire

please tell me whence Greek Orthodox Patrology: An Introduction to the Study of the Church Fathers by Panagiotes, K. Chrestou text

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Book description

Book description
The late Professor Panagiotes K. Chrestou of Aristotle University of Thessalonica, Greece, is justly regarded as the leading Greek Patrologist of the twentieth century. The present volume is a foretaste of Professor Chrestous Greek Patrology. Its great value will be realized by anyone who decides to delve into these pages. It provides a birds eye view of Greek Orthodox Patrology, and elucidates in a thorough and succinct way such basic topics as: who the Fathers are; the historical context of patristic literature; the nature and characteristics of Greek patristic literature; and the seven major periods of patristic literature from AD 90 through 1453, the capture of Constantinople.
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