please tell me whence Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940 by George Chauncey how to price finder online offline

please tell me whence Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940 by George Chauncey how to price finder online offline

please tell me whence Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940 by George Chauncey how

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Book description

Book description
This is a big, big book and havent nearly read it all. Its full of fascinating details that you can just read bits and pieces and be chatting about them for life, like I am. Sometimes you dont have to finish a book for it to change things for you. The vision of New York as it was in 1890-1940 changed forever how I see the struggle for gay rights.I used to view it as springing suddenly into existence in the 60s on the larger tide of the Civil Rights movement. Stonewall marked a key turning point to more open activism, and then the AIDS crisis in the eighties pushed the movement further and further until we were so out and proud and here and queer that Pride no longer needed to be political and became just one more big circuit party. But I digress - basically before 1960 EVERYONE had been closeted since ancient Greece, right? So not right.This book opened my eyes to the fact that gay people had lived quite openly in New York, among other places, before 1960, and their presence was known and enjoyed by the wider world, if not in the same way as it is today, at least in a way that would have shocked people in the 1950s. I mean, tourists went to New York to attend drag balls that would put Hamburger Marys Bingo Night to shame. So instead of 1940-1960 being just an extension of an eternity of secrecy, it was actually a period of backlash and reinvigorated homophobia.This is why, when people tell me not to worry, history is on my side, gay marriage will eventually be legal because we just keep getting more and more progressive all the time, I snap at them. Because you just dont know when the tide will turn, and without settled law to protect you, we could end up in paddywagons and concentration camps again, just like before.Try to remember that during the circuit party we call Pride.
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