please tell me whence Fruits Basket Boxed Set (Volumes 1-4) by Natsuki Takaya without signing online read shop phone

please tell me whence Fruits Basket Boxed Set (Volumes 1-4) by Natsuki Takaya without signing online read shop phone

please tell me whence Fruits Basket Boxed Set (Volumes 1-4) by Natsuki Takaya without signing online read shop phone

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Book description

Book description
Fruits Basket is a shoujo manga which is typically aimed towards young females. It is a mixture of fantasy and romance but also has comedic attributes within. The main female character Tohru Honda is a very sweet and innocent type of character who has a positive outlook on life. However, the annoying thing I found about her type of character is that she is really dense and naive to the point it makes the reader annoyed with her actions and words. Throughout the story, though she becomes more aware and her personality changes through all the hardships she goes through the story. The character development and storyline are very well written and make you go on without wanting to stop. The rest of the cast fits along well perfectly with her as well. The two main male characters: Kyo and Yukis personalities are the opposite of one another and the tension between the two of them can either be comedic or serious. The supporting cast is fun and also have some sort of character development. Their stories start off as a mystery for each individual but as you continue to read it all pieces together and leaves you satisfied at the ending. Its very cute and leaves you a bittersweet feeling in the end.
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