please tell me whence Frank Lloyd Wright: Force of Nature (Todtri Art Series) by Eric Peter Nash no registration doc spanish store book

please tell me whence Frank Lloyd Wright: Force of Nature (Todtri Art Series) by Eric Peter Nash no registration doc spanish store book

please tell me whence Frank Lloyd Wright: Force of Nature (Todtri Art Series) by Eric Peter Nash no registration doc spanish store

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Book description

Book description
A longtime lover of Frank Lloyd Wrights architecture, I loved reading this, particularly the description of Fallingwater. Obviously the house is beautiful and a triumph, but I really liked how Nash described its dualities:Wrights Fallingwater is a unity of opposites... He had found a synthesis of the seemingly conflicting strains of Romanticism and Modernism in his work. Fallingwater quite simply utilizes both disciplines, one blending into the other. The house is firmly in the Romantic tradition, with its picturesque natural setting and use of native materials, yet it is also a thoroughly modernist structure, with its asymmetrical and cantilevered concrete trays seemingly floating in space...The house is a dialectic between natural and sculptural forms; between the anchored and the free-floating; between variety of materials and repetition of form; between stasis and movement; between shelter and precariousness; between unity and separateness. (pp. 54-55)I just wish there were more pictures!!!!
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