please tell me whence Fools Rush In: An April Fools Day Anthology by Celia Kennedy (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

please tell me whence Fools Rush In: An April Fools Day Anthology by Celia Kennedy (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

please tell me whence Fools Rush In: An April Fools Day Anthology by Celia Kennedy (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

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Book description
A collection of eight contemporary chick lit short stories are set around April Fools’ Day. On the first day of April, tricksters play their pranks, but what will be the outcome? Some will find love, while others will experience betrayal. Other pranksters will seize adventure and travel to confess or rekindle romance. Some may face rejection, seek forgiveness, or earn a second chance. Read on and find out how love and laughter rule the day.
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