please tell me whence Felicity Learns a Lesson: A School Story by Valerie Tripp download book mobi

please tell me whence Felicity Learns a Lesson: A School Story by Valerie Tripp download book mobi

please tell me whence Felicity Learns a Lesson: A School Story by Valerie Tripp download book mobi

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Actual rating: 2.5 StarsWhy do they keep letting Valerie Tripp write American Girl doll books if she cant produce an independent young girl who isnt completely disrespectful. I support individuality and standing up for what you believe in, but being rude isnt the way to achieve it. Felicity is a headstrong young girl but she is always disobeying her parents and putting herself in danger. I dont think is a good message to send to impressionable young girls reading the American Girl franchise. I certainly dont believe a colonial young lady would act this way in the 18th century and find this was written in a 20th-21st century perspective.In Felicity Learns a Lesson, Felicity is taught by a friendly neighbor the intricacies of being a lady and raising a household. This was typical of the time period and it was nice to read about it. They learned about the importance of tea services and manners. For the gentlewoman to stress manners so often, Felicity couldnt quite pick up that lesson. They also discussed the differences between Patriots and Loyalists which was a nice educational feature. What I really didnt like was when Felicitys classmate was being rude and implying that Felicitys father was a Patriot scumbag, Felicitys response was to be even ruder and threaten to tell the accusers crush of her affections. I dont agree that this is the best way to solve conflict, especially when present in such an influential childrens series.Ive finished this round of American Girl books from the library and I do not intend to pick up another book from Valerie Tripp. Unless the Native American girl Kaya is written by the same author, all of these dolls are spoiled and privileged brats. Im sorry if Im a bit salty but these books mean a lot to me. Its disheartening to see books you loved as a child through the lens of an adult. Teacups up and theres promise for some sweeter American Girl books next year!
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