please tell me whence Facing Sherman in South Carolina: March Through the Swamps by Christopher G. Crabb view spanish free francais itunes

please tell me whence Facing Sherman in South Carolina: March Through the Swamps by Christopher G. Crabb view spanish free francais itunes

please tell me whence Facing Sherman in South Carolina: March Through the Swamps by Christopher G. Crabb view spanish free francais

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Book description
Major General William T. Shermans march from Savannah, Georgia, to Columbia, South Carolina, was marked by a battle with an unrelenting enemy: the swamps of the Palmetto State. For more than two weeks, Shermans veterans faced an unforgiving quagmire, coupled by daily skirmishes with gallant bands of outnumbered Confederates. Along the way, a ruined countryside and wrecked towns marked the path of an army unlike any since the days of Julius Caesar. It would take an army as adept with the axe as they were with the rifle to tame the rivers, tributaries and swamps of the South Carolina Lowcountry. Join historian Chris Crabb as he traces the steps of Shermans sixty-thousand-man army in its amphibious march from Beaufort to Columbia.
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