please tell me whence Ernie Gets Lost (A Sesame Street Growing-Up Book) by Liza Alexander download pdf

please tell me whence Ernie Gets Lost (A Sesame Street Growing-Up Book) by Liza Alexander download pdf

please tell me whence Ernie Gets Lost (A Sesame Street Growing-Up Book) by Liza Alexander download pdf

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Book description

Book description
This book is about what happens when he goes shopping with one of his friends in the city. It is about his adventures and what he does when he becomes separated from his friend. This book could easily be used in an early childhood or early elementary classroom. I, personally, have read this book to my daughter when I needed to begin the talk about what she should do if she became separated from me or lost in a public area. This book is great because it is from perspective of Ernie, and children can feel how nervous and scared he becomes when he gets lost, along with giving them an idea of what to do if they get lost.
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