please tell me whence Doctor Who Short Trips: Repercussions by Gary Russell (Editor) find download shop iBooks epub

please tell me whence Doctor Who Short Trips: Repercussions by Gary Russell (Editor) find download shop iBooks epub

please tell me whence Doctor Who Short Trips: Repercussions by Gary Russell (Editor) find download shop iBooks epub

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Book description
In the framing story, Charley (the Eighth Doctors companion) finds herself on a ship flying through the time vortex. On board are others whose lives changed course due to their encounters with the Doctor... removed from history due to unintended effects on history.Overall, I enjoyed the stories in this anthology, particularly since many dealt with more of the implications of time travel. However, I had a problem with the framing premise - it seems like the Doctor should be able to find a better solution.Comments on the specific stories:- The Time Lords Story (Eight): A neat little tale, very tied in with Big Finishs Gallifrey canon. Though in retrospect, it seems like (view spoiler)[Tianna (hide spoiler)]
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