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please tell me whence Discerning Truth by Jason Lisle read bookshop acquire macbook download

please tell me whence Discerning Truth by Jason Lisle read bookshop acquire macbook download

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Book description
Every day Christians are faced with an increasing onslaught of criticism from evolutionists for their belief in God and His glorious creation. What do you say when your faith is challenged by those claiming to speak in the name of science or reason? Discerning Truth provides a practical and engaging resource on the use of logic in this critical debate. Filled with anecdotes from both creative examples and real-life illustrations that help clarify logical issues in apologetics. Become skilled at distinguishing sound arguments from emotionally-charged rhetoric. Helps any believer refute evolutionary perspectives. Lisle believes that creationists need to be able to recognize and refute evolutionist arguments, and to do so in a way that both honors God and lines up with the truth of His Word (Eph. 5:1). The role of logic, the study of correct reasoning, is becoming a vanishing skill in our society. Yet it is a vital tool in assisting Christians in assessing the weaknesses in evolutionary thought. Here is the clear and concise guide for every believer in defending your faith in the face of adversity.
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